
Growing Your Own Medicinal Garden
Growing your own vegetables and fruits is something a lot of gardeners do, in-fact almost every garden I designed last year had a dedicated area for growing edible plants, how…
Perfect Pruning
Throughout my 22 years of gardening I’ve pruned with everything, in the early days I was lazy and used the closest tool to me thinking “its got a cutting bit on the end, they …
Vertical Gardening
With space at a premium the concept of vertical gardening is one that is becoming more and more common place not only in garden design but in commercial building as well. Hav…
Growing the Perfect Citrus
The number one topic I have been asked about over my time in the gardening world has to be ‘how to grow citrus’ well a well-planted citrus is a happy citrus, so you need to st…
Outdoor Furniture
Even the best designed gardens can be let down with the wrong outdoor furniture and in those spaces that are simple the right furniture can really elevate the whole user exper…
Creating A White Garden
A garden without colour doesn’t have to be a garden without interest, some of the most serene and beautiful gardens are those that limit themselves to the simplicity of white …
Top Five Trees for WA
I love the old adage ‘the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, then next best time is now. I personally love planting trees, they add instant impact to a space but at …
Water Wise Gardening
As spring presses on and the temperature rises the feeling of summer and the heat it brings is just around the corner, preparing your garden now for periods of drought will he…
Without healthy soil your garden simply will not flourish. A healthy soil is one that will hold onto water and nutrients for longer and therefore support a wider range of plan…
Everybody loves a plant filled garden bursting with life and variety but to get that you’ll need to spend a small fortune on individual plants. Having a full and sumptuous gar…
The High Tech Garden
For me gardening is all about getting away from the busyness of life, switching off my phone and getting my hands in the dirt. There are a few high-tech gadgets though that gi…
Indoor Plants
Indoor plants are the trendiest thing in gardening right now and its easy to see why - they look great and they are good for you! The addition of indoor plants into your home …

We acknowledge and pay respects to Traditional Owners across Australia and the Torres Strait as the original custodians of these unceded lands.

We recognize and respect Traditional Owners continued connection to the land, water, sky and people, and their responsibilities of caring for Country.

We pay respects to Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom ensures the continuation of culture and traditional practices, and we appreciate their guidance when it is shared with us.