
Budget Gardening Tips
I love designing large highly detailed gardens however the cost can be prohibitive to most, on top of this a larger “designer garden” can take you away from the enjoyment foun…
Heat Loving Flowers
As spring rolls on and Summer is almost on top of us It’s still not too late to be planting in the garden. The heat of summer may get you thinking about succulents and cacti h…
Fragrant Flowers for Spring
Springtime blooms bring so much joy to the home gardener, seeing the garden wake up from winter and put on a show makes even the brown thumbs smile. With flowers often comes …
Gravel in the Garden
Gravel can be a very useful finish in the garden and it can be applied to various styles of garden as well, making it a versatile cost effective finish. Comparing the cost …
Get ready for Christmas now
It may seem like Christmas is a lifetime away but with just under 3 months to go time spent well in the garden now will ensure the garden is looking its best for the big day. …
Beat The Heat
Planting a garden in the middle of summer may seem like a crazy thing to do with the extra heat and stress on the plant and I don’t recommend large mass plant outs until the s…
Sowing is the Success to a Full Garden
Like so many of us across the country I have been spending more time at home and out in the garden, I’ve started taking on more DIY projects around the house and really taking…
Small Space Gardening Tips
The small garden is a thing of the future, as blocks get smaller and houses bigger sadly it’s the garden that suffers, so it’s imperative you get the space right and make it f…
Rejuvenating Decking
Decking is found in so many of our back gardens, it’s synonymous with Australian outdoor living. This is because its relatively simple to construct, sustainable and versatile …
No Dig Gardening
Digging can be such a pain in the...back. Digging puts a lot of people off gardening, its hard work, gives you blisters and its taxing on the knees and back with all the up…
Understanding Fertilisers
With Spring knocking on the door, you’ll notice your plants coming back to life and buds starting to swell. When you notice growth in plants, they will be using nutrients to b…
Bringing Wildlife Into The Garden
A garden can be so much more than a place for plants and flowers, it can be home to insects, lizards, birds and all manner of native animals. Introducing water to a gard…

We acknowledge and pay respects to Traditional Owners across Australia and the Torres Strait as the original custodians of these unceded lands.

We recognize and respect Traditional Owners continued connection to the land, water, sky and people, and their responsibilities of caring for Country.

We pay respects to Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom ensures the continuation of culture and traditional practices, and we appreciate their guidance when it is shared with us.