
Due to lockdowns record numbers of Australians are now gardening. In fact, 65% of Australian adults have purchased a plant in the last 12 months! It’s a result of spending m…
Top Ten Gardening Tools
Every gardener should have an arsenal of inexpensive yet highly valuable hand tools at the ready for everyday gardening tasks. Getting the right tool for the job at hand will …
If there is one thing you can do for your garden right now that will make the most impact, it’s ensuring your garden has an application of mulch and that it is at the correct …
Lawn care for the heat of Summer
February can seem like a struggle in the garden, the sun is hot and for a poor Englishman like me it’s so stifling I retreat inside and look longingly out the window dreaming …
Hedges are a fantastic addition to many a garden style, they help to provide boundaries, form edges to garden beds and screen unsightly views and neighbours! Hedges are often…
Keeping Cool in the Garden
Summer can be very sapping in the garden as the heat just seems to make everything that little bit harder. Your plants tend to stifle in the heat and slow down, wilting as the…
What to do if you have no Soil
Everyone has a spot where it seems an impossibility that anything will grow, tiled balconies, paved courtyards even spots down the side of your house simply don’t have the soi…
How to select the right Paving for your Garden
Selecting the right paving or tiles for your outdoor areas is just as important as getting the flooring right in your house. It sets the mood and tone for your garden, so gett…
Getting the best out of your Coastal Garden
As a country where 82% of the population live within 50kms of the coast its safe to assume coastal gardening plays a big role in the Australian gardening scene. Those that do…
A Few of our Favourite Climbers
Climbers are an excellent way to green up a wall, add canopy to a pergola or add a vertical accent where space may be limited. There are lots of different types of climbers to…
Children In The Garden
You may have children, or grandchildren that you long to get outside, away from the television or their tablet, but it can be difficult to get them interested or even know whe…
Mozzies In The Garden
The weather is heating up very quickly and with it comes the dreaded mosquito! These pests can ruin an evening in the garden and can take a beautiful comfortable Oasis into a …

We acknowledge and pay respects to Traditional Owners across Australia and the Torres Strait as the original custodians of these unceded lands.

We recognize and respect Traditional Owners continued connection to the land, water, sky and people, and their responsibilities of caring for Country.

We pay respects to Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom ensures the continuation of culture and traditional practices, and we appreciate their guidance when it is shared with us.