
Colour in the Winter Garden
Late winter in my garden used to seem like a real drag, when everything had slowed down and the colour had left the garden. So, I decided to make some changes and bring in som…
Ferns are an often-underutilised plant in the garden and around the home. I love them as they fill out under trees in pockets of green, limey yellow, and often silvery blues. …
Coastal Ground Covers
Growing plants in a coastal position can be taxing at the best of times, the salt laden air, poor soils that don’t hold onto moisture for long combined with the scorching heat…
My Favourite Lawn Tools
There are a lot of gardening products on the market, some are great…. Others not so much and I have been lucky to try a lot of them out. When it comes to keeping a perfect law…
Driveway Options
A driveway can be a very important decision when building or renovating your property. They take up a lot of your street frontage, set the tone for the home and garden and tak…
Tricks of a Gardener
As a gardener there are a few jobs in the garden that just must be done, things like fertilising, propagating and weeding and there are some great products out on the market t…
Autumn Tree Selection
Autumn is the only time of the year to enjoy the foliage change that comes with the season in our deciduous trees. Introducing autumn colour into your garden is a lovely way t…
Autumn Jobs
I really love autumn, the lower temperatures, the colour in the leaves and drop in humidity takes away the stifling nature of a long hot summer. Being out in the garden is a j…
Jobs for this Weekend
I love this time of year, the mornings are crisp and fresh but the days still warm, it’s a delight to be out in the garden pottering about. If you’ve got a spare day you could…
Planting Against a Hot Wall
There are elements of the built landscape or home, such as masonry walls, that can increase the heat and intensify it greatly making it even more difficult to sustain life. …
Picking Pots
No matter the size of your garden, be it a sprawling estate or a tiny inner-city courtyard you are bound to have a few potted plants. Keeping plants in decorative pots dates …
Native Grasses
Grass like plants can add so much to a garden design as they add a vertical accent and strappy leaf that helps to break up more solid rounded shapes. When selecting grassy an…

We acknowledge and pay respects to Traditional Owners across Australia and the Torres Strait as the original custodians of these unceded lands.

We recognize and respect Traditional Owners continued connection to the land, water, sky and people, and their responsibilities of caring for Country.

We pay respects to Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom ensures the continuation of culture and traditional practices, and we appreciate their guidance when it is shared with us.