
Front Of House
The old saying you only get one chance at a first impression is so true for so many things in life and your front of house is no different. It may be that you’re putting your …
Cleaning Up After Wild Weather
With the recent heavy winds and outlook for a hot and turbulent summer how can you bring your garden back to life and keep it safe and verdant during these extreme weather eve…
Getting Ready For A Hot Summer
The predictions of a long hot summer feel like they will be correct so as spring presses on and the temperature rises preparing your garden now for periods of drought will hel…
Luxury In Bloom
In an exciting development for Sydney's architectural landscape, the Australian Turf Club (ATC) has recently submitted a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for a…
Understanding Plant Names
Understanding Plant Names - I always thought learning Latin was a waste of time at school, why would I need to know how to say that Matella is laying horizontal in the hall? (…
Rose Pruning
Rose Pruning - It’s winter once again, so it’s now time to get on to thinking about pruning your roses to maximise their health and future blooms. Pruning is an important role…
Keeping Trees Healthy
Keeping Trees Healthy - Trees play a vital role in creating atmosphere in our outdoor spaces and when one is lost it can leave a huge hole in the garden that is expensive not …
Winter Gardening
Winter Gardening - The temperature has certainly dropped as winter rolls on but it’s no excuse to forget about the garden. Getting out now and ticking off some gardening tasks…
House Plants In Winter
With winter here we can still get our green fix by bringing our gardening inside and focusing on our indoor plants.  Heating, cool breezes from windows and doors as well as ch…
How To Create Topiary
I love a formal garden, there’s something about the arrangement and restraint that appeals to me. Even in a looser garden a formal dome or ball shape can add a sense of struct…
Native Hedges
Hedging is often thought of as a European element in the garden, using exotic species of plants, but hedging doesn’t always have to be in a formal garden or exclusively exotic…
Creating A Woodland Garden
Woodlands take me back to the UK where I loved walking amongst the shade but with the heat of summer well and truly with us, we can only dream of cooler times… or you could cr…

We acknowledge and pay respects to Traditional Owners across Australia and the Torres Strait as the original custodians of these unceded lands.

We recognize and respect Traditional Owners continued connection to the land, water, sky and people, and their responsibilities of caring for Country.

We pay respects to Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom ensures the continuation of culture and traditional practices, and we appreciate their guidance when it is shared with us.